Logistics ke ts'ebetso ea moruo ea likhoebo.Tlas'a semelo sa tlhahiso e bohlale, ho theha sistimi e bohlale ea thepa ke eona feela tsela ea nts'etsopele e bohlale ea lisebelisoa tsa khoebo.Beijing Soly Logistics Management and Control Platform ke sistimi ea tlhahisoleseling e kopanyang mokhoa o bohlale oa ho lekanya le tsamaiso ea tsamaiso le taolo.Etsa taolo e pota-potileng le ho felehetsa bakeng sa khoebo ea thepa ea khoebo.
Khoebo ea tsamaiso haholo-holo e kenyelletsa khoebo ea ho reka le ho rekisa le khoebo ea ho romela thepa.E sebelisoa haholo-holo ho laola likoloi nakong ea ho reka, ho rekisa le ho khutlisetsa thepa ka hare.
Mesebetsi ea tsamaiso haholo-holo e na le li-module tsa mantlha tse kang taelo ea konteraka, tsamaiso ea bareki, tsamaiso ea ho romela likoloi, taelo ea lentsoe, tsamaiso ea likoloi tse ntšo le tse tšoeu, li-terminals, tsamaiso ea boima e sa lebelloang, mochine oa tiiso ea ho laolla, joalo-joalo.
Khoebo ea phetisetso: sistimi e hlokomela taolo e koetsoeng ea ts'ebetso eohle ho tloha ho netefatso ea ho kenya ore ho isa boima ba othomathiki ka phaposing ea bekha ho isa ho netefatso ea ho lahla sebakeng sa ho lahla.
Mabapi le ts'ebetso, ka ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso ea likoloi tse romelloang hape, mathata a kotsi a ho bekha likoloi khafetsa, ho se sebetse ho matla le lipalangoang tse ling tse sa lumellaneng li rarolloa.
Mabapi le data, ka ho bapisa litekanyo tse ngata pakeng tsa motho ea tsamaisang thepa le moamoheli, netefatso ea tšebeliso ea lipalangoang e etsoa inthaneteng.Bakeng sa likoloi tse nang le tšebeliso e feteletseng ea lipalangoang, khopotso ea alamo e sa tloaelehang, ho eketsa lenane la batho ba sa tsebeng letho, thibelo ea ho romelloa ha koloi, joalo-joalo.
Ka tsamaiso e habeli ea taolo mabapi le ts'ebetso le data, mathata a kotsi a thepa joalo ka literaka tse fetang e le 'ngoe bakeng sa ho romelloa hape le tahlehelo ea thepa ea rarolloa.
Taba ea bobeli, ka taolo ea nako le nako ea koloi, koloi e tla fetoha e sa sebetseng ha e felloa ke nako.Rarolla mathata a kang ho fetola koloi le ho e nchafatsa, 'me u qobe ho qhekella koloi, e leng se tla baka tahlehelo e sa hlokahaleng ea moruo ho likhoebo.
Mokhoa oa ho reka le ho rekisa: hlokomela tsamaiso ea tsamaiso ea ho romela likoloi ka ntle ho bareki le bafani ba thepa, ho fumana litaelo ho tsoa ho bakhanni, ho kena fekthering bakeng sa ho ngolisa, ho lekanya likoloi, ho kenya thepa ka tlung ea polokelo, ho hatisa litekete le ho tsoa fekthering.
Mabapi le ts'ebetso, ka ts'ebetso ea tsamaiso ea likoloi tsa kantle ho naha, bothata ba likoloi tse fapa-fapaneng tse kenang fekthering le ho khutlela sebakeng sa polokelo ka mor'a hore boima bo rarolloe, 'me bothata ba ho laola kotsi ea ho romelloa ha sehlahisoa se felile bo rarolloa.
Mabapi le data, alamo e tla fanoa ka nako ha ho e-na le ntho e sa tloaelehang ka papiso ea boima ba likoloi tsa tare, ho lekola molumo oa thomello, joalo-joalo.
Ka taolo e habeli ea taolo ea ts'ebetso le data, re ka rarolla mathata a kotsi ea thepa joalo ka phetoho ea likoloi tse tsamaisang thepa, ho nkela likoloi sebaka, tahlehelo ea thepa le ho fetisoa ha thepa, e le ho tlosa matšoenyeho bakeng sa likhoebo. .
The Logistic Control and Intelligent Measurement System ea Soly e fumane tokelo ea molao ea software ka 2018. E qaliloe ka katleho Lekaleng la West Mining Zinc, Hebei Mining Division, Huaxia Longbaotong Mining, Baitong Mining le Jindi Mining.
Ka kaho ea Sethala sa Beijing Soly Enterprise Logistics Management and Control Platform, ho tla hahuoa tsamaiso ea thepa e pota-potileng le tsamaiso ea taolo bakeng sa likhoebo.Lemoha ho felisoa ha maemo a litekanyo, mokhoa oa khoebo ea thepa, le taolo le taolo e bohlale.Rarolla ts'ebetso le tlhokomelo ea sebaka sa marang-rang, borokho bo sa lebelloang, thibelo le taolo ea kotsi ea thepa le mathata a mang a taolo.Thusa lefapha la tsamaiso ea thepa ho ntlafatsa katleho ea mosebetsi le boemo ba tsamaiso.Khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea bohlale ba lisebelisoa tsa khoebo.
Beijing Soly Technology Co., Ltd. e tsepamisitse maikutlo holim'a kaho ea tsamaiso le taolo e bohlale ea khoebo, 'me e fana ka lipuisano le tataiso mabapi le kaho ea sistimi ea tekanyo e bohlale le tsamaiso ea thepa le taolo.E netefatsa kaho e bohlale ea lisebelisoa tsa khoebo.
Nako ea poso: Dec-27-2022